The Schwarzschild Proton

The Schwarzschild Proton

Haramein, N. (2010). The schwarzschild proton, AIP Conference Proceedings, CP 1303, ISBN 978-0-7354-0858-6, pp. 95-100.

This manuscript received a Best Paper Award in the field of “Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Field Theory, and Gravitation” at CASYS’09 (Computing Anticipatory Systems) in Belgium.

Abstract: We review our model of a proton that obeys the Schwarzschild condition. We find that only a very small percentage (~10-39%) of the vacuum fluctuations available within a proton volume need be cohered and converted to mass-energy in order for the proton to meet the Schwarzschild condition. 

This proportion is equivalent to that between gravitation and the strong force where gravitation is thought to be ~10-38 to 10-40 weaker than the strong force. Gravitational attraction between two contiguous Schwarzschild protons can accommodate both nucleon and quark confinement. 

We calculate that two contiguous Schwarzschild protons would rotate at c and have a period of 10-23s and a frequency of 1022 Hz which is characteristic of the strong force interaction time and a close approximation of the gamma emission typically associated with nuclear decay. 

We include a scaling law and find that the Schwarzschild proton data point lies near the least squares trend line for organized matter. Using a semi-classical model, we find that a proton charge orbiting at a proton radius at c generates a good approximation to the measured anomalous magnetic moment.