The Unified Spacememory Network: From Cosmogenesis To Consciousness

The Unified Spacememory Network: From Cosmogenesis To Consciousness

Haramein, N., Brown W., & Val Baker, A. K. F. (2016). The Unified Spacememory Network: from cosmogenesis to consciousness, Journal of Neuroquantology.

The Unified Spacememory Network is a novel approach to describing the information structure of space by physicist Nassim Haramein, biophysicist William Brown, and astrophysicist Amira Val Baker: the encoding of information as memory and the quasi-instantaneous access of information, both of which occur via the multiply-connected architecture of space at the micro-scale. 

The vast and ever-evolving connectivity network of space is what engenders time via entanglement of multiple spacetime frames, even if they are separated by large spatial and temporal extents at the macro-scale, such that a spacetime coordinate may be a memory imprint in the geometry of another and therefore correlate with a “past” or “future” state, hence generating time via memory, or space-memory. 

This also engenders a holoinfogramic property of space, as the state of any one spacetime coordinate is accessible to any other coordinate via the multiply-connected geometry, or unified spacememory network. Multiply-connected spacetime geometry is the result of high energy quantum vacuum oscillations occurring at the Planck spatiotemporal scale. 

These energetic oscillations and the structural-geometry that results is the basis of matter: material manifest from the aether. As structural-geometric entities (geons) of energetic oscillations of space, matter is also integrally connected via the quantum entanglement structure of multiply-connected spacememory, forming an entanglement nexus. 

The universe is an immensely complicated network of entangled subsystems. Since life is a highly complex organization of matter and biochemical networks, the entanglement nexus is present and operational in the organism as well, functioning as a veritable morphogenic field. We describe how the evolution of living systems is an extension of the morphogenesis and increasing complexity of subsystems of the universe in general, and it is a unified and cohesive process. 

Importantly, the natural evolution process of the universe is not random, but instead is influenced by trans-temporal entanglement (that is communication via entanglement networks / entangled spacetime coordinates across the temporal domain), where “future” maximally entangled or maximally coherent states operate as an attractor locus, driving systems to greater synergetic organization and higher degrees of complex entanglement networks.